
For Forward-Thinking Professionals Looking For a Seamless Blend of Productivity, Innovation, and Work-Life Balance

How To Go From Vague And Generic ChatGPT Answers, To Consistent And Hyper-Personalized Responses - By Using This Little Known ChatGPT Feature - In 10 Minutes Or Less

Without spending 100s of hours studying prompt engineering or using plugins… And Best of All, without using long and complicated prompts. Even if you're completely new to the world of AI!

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What is ChatGPT Character Blueprint?

ChatGPT Character Framework is a counterintuitive approach to customizing your ChatGPT experience where you get the exact answers you need from ChatGPT every single time without any prompt engineering wizardry or fixing AI mistakes.

We achieve this by building your list of preferences of how you like your requests answered and getting ChatGPT to apply them seamlessly to every future prompt. Instead of going through the same old “I want you to do it the other way”, set your preferences once, and let ChatGPT adapt to you.

You can get responses that are fine-tuned to your unique needs. Whether you're a writer seeking a specific tone or a marketer on the hunt for industry jargon, you'll be dialed in.

And as a result, you'll be able to navigate through your AI conversations effortlessly, receiving spot-on responses that make each prompt more productive than the last and you will save a ton of time by not having to write overly complicated prompts.

Forget cookie-cutter responses; welcome to the era of hyper-personalization.

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ChatGPT Character Blueprint Is a Shortcut

Before I created the ChatGPT Character Blueprint, I was grappling with long and complicated prompts for months in order to get exactly what I needed from ChatGPT and was on the verge of giving up.

I was immersed in a never ending cycle of figuring out how to write better prompts to get my desired result, wasting days at a time trying to figure out the elusive way to write prompts that would give me the answers I wanted.

The result? A disheartening reality check. I essentially created 7 page prompt sequences that were overwhelming to use and hard to repurpose, which were far from the versatile and user friendly prompts that I was looking for.

After relentless trial-and-error, exhaustive testing, and hard-earned lessons over the last few months, I finally cracked the code. Thanks to a recent ChatGPT update, I was able to shorten my multi-page prompts into just a few lines that I can easily edit and put to work in mere seconds.

Now I can use the power and specificity of a 7 page prompt without spending any time editing it or explaining to ChatGPT what I need it to do.

And now, you can skip the learning curve and duplicate my entire system by downloading my ChatGPT Character Blueprint.

Here's how it works:

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ChatGPT Character Blueprint 

Immediate access to over 600 custom characters that you can use for ChatGPT and edit them to your own specific needs. The ChatGPT Character blueprint has been tested on over 1000 different prompts to ensure every single response is accurate and personalized.

PRICE: $182 $97

Fast Action Bonuses

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The Character Blueprint Course 

Where I will show you exactly how to put this blueprint to work and make it your own.

VALUE: $147 - FREE  

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Here’s How I Went From Grappling With Long, Complicated Prompts To Effortlessly And Consistently Getting Spot-On Responses By Implementing The ChatGPT Character Blueprint, And Turning The Whole Prompt Engineering Model Upside Down​

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The ChatGPT Character Blueprint...

Dear future ChatGPT Character Blueprint Owner,
From: Igor Pogany
Re: A better way to use ChatGPT

Chances are that you might be feeling a little skeptical about some of the claims that I've made so far in this letter...

Hyper-personalized responses…

That save a ton of time…

Without any prompt engineering knowledge…

I get it... I would also feel skeptical if I was you.

But just hang in there with me and read this letter from start to finish...

Because it's my goal to give you all the facts and show you that not only is this true... but it will also work for you!

Give Me A Few Minutes To Prove That This New Blueprint Will Change The Way You Use ChatGPT Forever...

But first, read this quick disclaimer:

I have had the benefit of studying and teaching everything ChatGPT since it first came out to the public.

And working with many clients in different businesses all over the world.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results.

I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and most importantly work ethic.

All purchases entail risk as well as consistent effort and action.

If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BLUEPRINT.

And yes, it took me time and energy (editing and configuring the blueprint to my own needs) to get everything setup and going…

...But once up and running - I’m able to save a ton of time on writing complex prompts and get the exact responses that I was looking for.

I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive ChatGPT Model That I’m About To Reveal To You On This Very Page...

The same ChatGPT Character Blueprint that thousands of people all around the world are now using to customize their ChatGPT conversations which lets them focus on the creative side of their work...

...And in turn save them time on tedious tasks and streamline their workflow!

All while no longer relying on long and complex prompts to get them the answers they need.

Which is causing most people to switch to this new model of interacting with ChatGPT…

Just like Jonathan, Who Used The ChatGPT Character Blueprint To Effortlessly Write Entire Blog Posts In His Own Voice <change>

Meet Gwen, An AI Coaching Consultant Who Got An "Enourmous" Improvement In The Quality Of Her Answers

This Is Marcus, A Veteran Marketer Who "Accelerated And Put His Creativity On Steroids"

Jonathan, Gwen And Marcus Are A Group Of Over 700 New Wave And Forward-Thinking Professionals Who Are Doing Things Differently…

And I can GUARANTEE that...

This new ChatGPT Character Blueprint is unlike anything you've heard of before.

This is something completely different, because…

❌We don’t focus on complex prompts.
❌We don’t focus on prompt sequences.
❌We don’t focus on using copious amounts of context.
❌We don’t use unnecessary plugins.
❌We don’t waste time fixing AI mistakes.

Why don't we focus on any of that?

Because all of these things take up so much time, effort and require us to be expert prompt engineers.

Instead We Setup A Simple Custom Instruction Called Character Blueprint That Removes The Need For All That In Just A Few Minutes…

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you.

And I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me!

The Character Blueprint allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated about forcing ChatGPT to spit out the answer I needed ...

Like researching the optimal prompt structure...

Having to know exactly where and how to place my context so ChatGPT doesn't get confused.

Breaking up my prompt into multiple messages when it got too long...

Following up again and again in hopes of fixing my output…

The ChatGPT Character Blueprint Freed Me From All That BS And Allowed Me To Become More Productive And Get My Work Done In A Fraction Of The Time

Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’ve ever tried writing your own prompts before, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “The AI Hamster Wheel of Unproductivity”:

❌Step 1 - Open up ChatGPT
❌Step 2 - You're unsure how to phrase your prompt to get the answer you're looking for
❌Step 3 - Your initial prompt is vague, making it difficult for ChatGPT to generate a personalized response
❌Step 4 - Due to lack of specific details and potentially unclear instructions, the generated message is generic and not as personalized as you hoped
❌Step 5 - You struggle to pinpoint what changes are needed and how to instruct ChatGPT to make specific alterations to its answer
❌Step 6 - Despite several attempts, you cannot get ChatGPT to produce the style or type of creativity you need
❌Step 7 - Repeat steps 3 to 6 dozens of times until your answer is “good enough”
❌Step 8 - Start Over

The big dilemma is that by the time you've done the work to get your answer to be “good enough”... you could have done all of that manually...

The AI Hamster Wheel kept me stuck for months of my life - forcing me to use complex prompts for my tasks and wasting too much time following up trying to fix ChatGPT’s mistakes.

To be honest…

I almost gave up on this whole idea of making the ultimate versatile prompt.

But before I gave up.

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

Would change everything.

And as you’re about to find out, what I tried…

It worked.

And I spent the last few months turning it into a system…

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And I Put This Entire System In 600 Individual Custom Instructions called “ChatGPT Character Blueprint” And You Can Start Using It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Igor Pogany.

Maybe you've heard of me...Maybe not.

My life’s pretty good…after grinding for over a year using AI in almost every part of my business…

And now I want to pay it forward to those wanting to make AI work for them too.



As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m The Luckiest Guy On Earth - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was On <date>

Before I even hit the age of 24, I hadn’t lived in one place for more than three years.

I've seen more moving trucks and packed boxes than most do in a lifetime.

Especially when I was 7, we moved from Eastern Europe to Austria and I didn't know a word of German.

It was tough.

But all that moving around taught me how to adapt to different environments.

So, when I started my job as a freelance video creator, I used that skill.

The job was tough at first - always new tech and techniques to learn.

But just like I learned how to be the new kid in different countries, I learned how to get good at my job.

When ChatGPT was launched, I started playing with it on the first day.

It was so exciting and useful that I made YouTube videos to share what I learned with others.

That’s how The AI Advantage started.


I Ended Up With Two Businesses That Had To Be Fed 24/7 And It Stretched Me Thin…

I had to work 12 hour days, even on the weekends.

I was using ChatGPT heavily to help me out…

But it still took me way too long to finish my work.

Because I had to check AI’s answers and fix them up before they were usable.

I was spending way too much time writing and fixing my prompts to make the process faster…

But I realized all that time that I was spending fixing AI problems, I could have done all the work myself.

So I started looking for a way out.

Even though I knew the potential AI had in helping me with my work because…

AI is One Of The Most Rewarding And Easiest Ways To Boost Your Productivity
(If Done Correctly)...

Just think about it:

✔️You get a free, all knowing assistant right at your fingertips
✔️Get instant answers and data for speedy research
✔️Generate fresh and innovative content ideas in seconds
✔️Break language barriers with instant translations
✔️Snappy summaries and explanations on numerous topics
✔️Find coding solutions and snippets
✔️Train and prepare with AI-driven conversational scenarios
✔️Navigate through writer’s block with creative writing assists

All You Have To Do Is Give It The Proper Instructions

At this point I know more about writing prompts than anything else.

So far I came up with a ton of overly complex prompts…

Some of which were over 7 pages long.

They all worked well but were a nightmare to actually edit and put to work.

Then, on July 20th, a quiet ChatGPT update came out…

That allowed me to dramatically shorten my prompts,

And remove a ton of instructions and context.

Now I had the ability to compress my 7 page prompts…

Into just a few simple lines.

And That Was The Birth Of The ChatGPT Character Blueprint

After doing a bit of research, I decided to make a system that I could use to transform my 7 page prompts…

Into simple and user friendly instructions for ChatGPT.

And here is the first result after I switched from a 7 page prompt to the Character Blueprint

Click on the images to zoom in ⬇️

Prompt used: "Can you provide 2 ideas for a TikTok video about ChatGPT for AI enthusiasts looking to save time in their work life?"

I used the same prompt for both of these answers…

But only the right one has the Character Blueprint applied.

As you can see...

The right answer is much more extensive and it actually gave me actionable advice on how to make my TikTok video...

Instead of just vaguely describing the scenes.

I finally felt like I cracked the code.

You see, most people would tell you that you need more context in your prompts to make the answer better..

But adding all the necessary context…

In every single prompt that you use…

Takes a lot of time and becomes a repetative task really quick.

I know because I was one of those people that used over a dozen different types of context and variables in my prompts

And it not only drove me crazy…

It drove me to the point where I was ready to give up and do all the work manually.

Want To Know The Main Difference Between The ChatGPT Character Blueprint And The Old Way Of Using ChatGPT?

I add my context only once and ChatGPT remembers it forever.

Rather than doing it every time I start a new conversation or use a new prompt.

I let ChatGPT learn the way I want it to do things for me.

Here’s what it looks like:

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And The Result Of Using The ChatGPT Character Blueprint?

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Accurate, Personalized And, Most Importantly, Usable Answers

I get the answers that I'm actually looking for.

And the personalized answers are nice, but what’s even better is that this blueprint is replicable.


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The really cool thing is that…

If you just follow the instructions I show you in the ChatGPT Character Blueprint…

You could start seeing answers as if ChatGPT has read your mind.

Because you physically can’t get a bad output if you apply the blueprint…

Even if you use a bad prompt.



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Get the ChatGPT Character Blueprint For $182 Just $97!

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Delivered instantly. Start using in the next 2 minutes.

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I've Been A Using The Character Blueprint For 3 Months Straight Now

You can make ChatGPT give you the best answers.

And once you start using the Character Blueprint...

Getting the best answers isn’t something you ever need to worry about - or even think about.

It’s something that will naturally take care of itself - as simple as day comes after night.

I know how ridiculous and cliché that sounds…

And Just A Few Months Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such A Blueprint Existed…

But today, I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to write that perfect prompt that perfectly reflects your expectations.

I promise you this…

Anyone can get answers just like experienced prompt enginners using our blueprint (more on this below)

But at the end of the day I want you to understand…

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

Because over 741 others are doing it right now within the AI Advantage Community

Here are some recent testimonials :


And Here’s Another Reason You Can Do This

It took me over a year of studying prompt engineering to "figure this out"...

...and the last 3 months to perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

You just need to download this blueprint and implement it!

That’s it…



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Get the ChatGPT Character Blueprint For $182 Just $97!

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Here’s The Exact 3 Step System Revealed In The ChatGPT Character Blueprint

Step 1 : Pick a blueprint that you need for your task
​Step 2 : Copy the blueprint into ChatGPT
​Step 3 : Get hyper personalized answers

Those are the 3 steps to using the ChatGPT Character Blueprint.

All of this is revealed in the <website?, vid tutorial?>.

And that’s not all, because:

Here’s Some Of What You’ll Discover In The ChatGPT Character Blueprint

✅ A counterintuitive approach to customizing your ChatGPT experience, enabling you to consistently get hyper-personalized responses without the need for prompt engineering expertise​​.

✅ Learn to build a list of preferences for how you want your requests to be answered, saving immense time on writing complex prompts and fixing AI mistakes​.

✅ How to effortlessly navigate through AI conversations, achieving spot-on responses that enhance your productivity with each prompt you use​​.

✅ Transition from grappling with long, complicated prompts to effortlessly receiving personalized responses, streamlining your workflow so you can focus on the creative side of your work​​.

✅ How to set your preferences once and let ChatGPT adapt to your unique needs over time.

✅ Tailor ChatGPT to cater to your industry-specific jargon, helping you get more precise and relevant responses.

✅ Completely remove the need for writing and editing complex prompts.

✅ A proven blueprint that’s already assisting over 700 people globally in customizing their ChatGPT conversations.

✅ Establish a foundation and deep understanding of AI interactions, preparing you for upcoming advancements in AI technology.

Not only that… But once you grab your copy of the ChatGPT Character Blueprint.

You’re also getting…

The Character Blueprint Course: Where I Will Show You Exactly How To Put This Blueprint To Work And Make It Your Own



The problem with most new technologies is that a lot of people need time to adjust and learn before they can start using it.

After this course, you will know exactly how to use the Character Blueprint…

And customize it for any specific use case.

And start using ChatGPT on easy mode.

AIA Characters Community



Get among like minded people on a similar mission as you…

So that you can ask questions, get feedback on your prompts or characters…

And learn about AI faster than ever.

Exclusive access ONLY to those who buy the ChatGPT Character Blueprint!



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Get the ChatGPT Character Blueprint For $182 Just $97!

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This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

I could easily sell this blueprint for $497 or even more.

But what I really want from this blueprint is to reach more people and change their lives.


I Decided To Lower The Price To Just $97 So That I Can Impact More People And Help Them Use ChatGPT Like Prompt Engineers Without Spending 100s of Hours Studying How To Write Prompts

Ever since I kicked off my YouTube channel…

I've been on a mission to reach as many people as I can, sharing knowledge about AI.

I believe that understanding AI can really make a difference in people's lives and how they do their jobs.

Now, I know that there are some people out there who don't just want to skim the surface, but want to dive deeper into the world of AI.

That's why I've created the ChatGPT Character Blueprint.

This is for the curious minds who want to explore more, learn more, and really get their hands dirty with AI.

Through my products, they can get a closer look, go beyond the basics, and discover how AI can be a game changer.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer and I reserve the right to take it down at any time.

Oh. And in case you're wondering...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's …

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Get the Blueprint and watch the course. Go through it all.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn and the results from ChatGPT.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 14 days.

I’ll happily refund you your $97...

And let you keep the Blueprint and the course as my way of saying “Thanks for trying”.

I'll take all of the risk so you can see for yourself if this blueprint is right for you.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

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This Offer Expires By Tomorrow...



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I’ll talk to you in our Discord group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you get your copy of The ChatGPT Character Blueprint.

Until then, keep exploring,
Igor Pogany.

P.S. Remember, The Character Blueprint comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, read it, implement it, and get results.

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and I’ll refund you your $97.



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Who Is This For?


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With ChatGPT Character Blueprint, you'll have a companion in your freelance journey. You will have an AI that can suggest relevant articles or designs, help in upskilling through AI-assisted education, or discovering potential clients through data analysis. You can also manage your time and expenses effectively, draft contracts swiftly, and stay ahead of the curve by analyzing market competition.


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You will dive into a realm where AI enhances your YouTube journey. You can create captivating thumbnails, understand your audience better, and optimize your channel for SEO. With suggestions for trending topics and merch, transcription services, and a sneak peek into potential earnings, you'll be ready to take your channel to the next level.


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You will be able to navigate the market with confidence. You can perform thorough market research, test your products with simulated customer reactions, and optimize your supply chain. With improved customer retention and actionable business insights, you’ll be ready to make data-driven decisions.


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ChatGPT Character Blueprint will allow you to elevate your marketing strategies. You can segment your audience, optimize content, measure social impact accurately and get an extensive understanding of customer behavior. Dive deeper into ROI analysis and brand monitoring to stay ahead in the marketing game.


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You can polish your copy, research SEO-friendly keywords, and analyze your tone to match the brand’s voice. From generating content ideas to personalizing emails and evaluating your copy against competitors, your creative horizon will have no end in sight.

Corporate Workers

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ChatGPT Character Blueprint will allow you to transform your corporate workflow with AI. You can generate performance reports, coordinate projects, and glean insights from data effortlessly. From automating mundane tasks to predicting team conflicts, this blueprint  is designed to boost your productivity and enhance teamwork.

IT Workers

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You can ensure system health, recover lost data efficiently, and automate routine tasks. Optimizing resources, predicting errors, and enhancing server performance are now within reach. ChatGPT Character Blueprint is here to empower your IT workflow.


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Code smarter with ChatGPT Character Blueprint at your side. You can review and debug code, integrate the best APIs, and even have AI write code for you. Accurate project estimations, code optimization, and automated tests will propel your projects forward. Collaborate effectively and ensure security with AI-driven insights.


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You will be able to navigate your academic journey with a touch of AI. You can structure essays, find personalized learning paths, and get tutoring assistance. Managing study time, collaborating with peers, research assistance, and preparing for exams become smoother.


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Step into a future where AI amplifies your teaching skills. You can grade objectively, plan curriculum based on real-time class performance, and keep tabs on student engagement. From facilitating collaboration to staying updated on academic trends, the ChatGPT Character Blueprint empowers you to deliver education that resonates with every student.



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Here is what others have to say:




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Here’s Some Of What You’ll Discover In The ChatGPT Character Blueprint:

✅ A counterintuitive approach to customizing your ChatGPT experience, enabling you to consistently get hyper-personalized responses without the need for prompt engineering expertise​​.

✅ Learn to build a list of preferences for how you want your requests to be answered, saving immense time on writing complex prompts and fixing AI mistakes​.

✅ How to effortlessly navigate through AI conversations, achieving spot-on responses that enhance your productivity with each prompt you use​​.

✅ Transition from grappling with long, complicated prompts to effortlessly receiving personalized responses, streamlining your workflow so you can focus on the creative side of your work​​.

✅ How to set your preferences once and let ChatGPT adapt to your unique needs over time.

✅ Tailor ChatGPT to cater to your industry-specific jargon, helping you get more precise and relevant responses.

✅ Completely remove the need for writing and editing complex prompts.

✅ A proven blueprint that’s already assisting over 700 people globally in customizing their ChatGPT conversations.

✅ Establish a foundation and deep understanding of AI interactions, preparing you for upcoming advancements in AI technology.



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Frequently Asked Questions:

The ChatGPT Character Blueprint is for individuals and businesses looking to enhance their interaction with ChatGPT, seeking personalized and precise responses without having to delve into prompt engineering or constantly correcting AI errors. If you're satisfied with the generic responses from ChatGPT and don't want a personalized experience, this blueprint may not be for you.

The ChatGPT Character Blueprint is a system we crafted to make your ChatGPT chats a lot more personal and on-point, without you having to start from scratch on each new conversation or use copious amounts of context. By diving into this blueprint, you’re going to experience the side of ChatGPT that understands you, giving back responses that match with your specific wants and needs.

Once you get the ChatGPT Character Blueprint, you are also gaining access to an extensive library of over 600 custom characters.

Additionally, you'll be getting an exclusive Character Blueprint Course where I will be guiding you on using the 600 custom characters and making them your own so you can quickly start having personalized conversations with ChatGPT.

Absolutely! We believe in our ChatGPT Character Blueprint so much that we’ve got what we call the world’s best guarantee to back it up. We get it, you’d like to know what you’re diving into and that there’s a solid money-back safety net. So here’s the deal:

Snag the Blueprint, dive into the course, and give it a good ol’ college try. If you’re not over the moon with what you learn and the magic it does to your ChatGPT conversions…

Just drop me an email, ask for a refund within the first 14 days, and you’ll get every penny back, no questions asked.

And you'll get to keep the Blueprint and the course anyway, as our way of saying “Thanks for trying”.



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The ChatGPT Character Blueprint is for individuals and businesses looking to enhance their interaction with ChatGPT, seeking personalized and precise responses without having to delve into prompt engineering or constantly correcting AI errors. If you're satisfied with the generic responses from ChatGPT and don't want a personalized experience, this blueprint may not be for you.
The ChatGPT Character Blueprint is a system we crafted to make your ChatGPT chats a lot more personal and on-point, without you having to start from scratch on each new conversation or use copious amounts of context. By diving into this blueprint, you’re going to experience the side of ChatGPT that understands you, giving back responses that match with your specific wants and needs.
Once you get the ChatGPT Character Blueprint, you are also gaining access to an extensive library of over 600 custom characters.
Additionally, you'll be getting an exclusive Character Blueprint Course where I will be guiding you on using the 600 custom characters and making them your own so you can quickly start having personalized conversations with ChatGPT.
Absolutely! We believe in our ChatGPT Character Blueprint so much that we’ve got what we call the world’s best guarantee to back it up. We get it, you’d like to know what you’re diving into and that there’s a solid money-back safety net. So here’s the deal:

Snag the Blueprint, dive into the course, and give it a good ol’ college try. If you’re not over the moon with what you learn and the magic it does to your ChatGPT conversions…

Just drop me an email, ask for a refund within the first 14 days, and you’ll get every penny back, no questions asked.

And you'll get to keep the Blueprint and the course anyway, as our way of saying “Thanks for trying”.

© 2024 Memento Media s.r.o.